WOOOO HOOOOO looks like my garden may do better this year after all the work I did digging and turning the ground and adding leafs and stuff to try and break up all this clay. Yesterday I went out and what did I see limas peas and cukes all starting to sprout and it made me smile.
Well today was even better, I went out and limas are doing well also 2 kinds of corn sprouted and so did the bell peppers and okra.

The lima beans were bought at the dollar store 4 packs of seeds for a dollar,they are from the American seed company and tho this is my first time growing lima beans I have used American seed company seeds in the past with great suscess. This variety of lima bean is called Henderson (bush). So far they seem to grow big and healthy and fast. Lima beans is one of my favorites so I am drolling thinking about them. The package says This variety is noted for its flavor. Plants have glossy green foliage and are very productive. Bean pods are 3 inches long with 3-4 seeds per pod. Dependable and very uniform in growth. Even though this is an early variety the plants produce right up to frost. Excelent for canning, freezing and table use. It says 7-14 days to germinate but mine only took about 5. You plant the seeds about 1/2 an inch deep and about 3 inches apart ( you thin them to about 6 inches apart) in a sunny location after frost.They say it takes about 65 days to harvest. The tips they give are to water the plants at their base at sundown and to keep them picked because the more you pick the more productive the plant is.

I also snapped some more rose pictures and another one of the frog.
Keep checking back to see the regular updates about the garden how it comming whats working whats not .
No skinny dipping! I love it!