Tuesday, May 15, 2012

05-15-12 Vegetables are finaly planted

Today is May 15 2012 almost half way thru the year and I am just getting started. I tilled my vegetable garden last Friday that was 5-11-12.It has been raining last two day but in the 70's.I am going to try to add a few pictures with descriptions on my vegetable garden, sitting garden and just stuff around the yard.
This is my vegetable garden. I started to put up this fence for some my climbers to climber but need to finish it.I think the garden is about 14x 30 I will have to measure it sometime.
I have been watching it every day and today I seen my first sprouts. This is iceberg lettuce.
Here are some sweet Williams I was sent some seeds from a friend years ago from B.C. Canada and they are suppose to be annuals and though i have a lot less then i use to they do still reseed themselves and come back. Sweet William is a favorite of mine because of all the colors and how when ya look closely at it it looks like painted lace.

Here are some roses. This is one of my favorite rose roses that I own . When i bought it a few years back on sale for like $3 it was backed in saw dust and looked rough.Now this rose bush is one that anyone would love to have in their garden, it has nice shiny leafs and fills with flowers from spring thru fall.I love these roses to because tho they are small they have the perfect rose look unlike some others rose.

Next up is some hosta I love how they get big and love shade since my sitting garden is almost all shade. I use to have a lot of them and a few varieties but moles really wiped them out.

Here are my 3 amigos
Here is a frog in the pond
And lastly some pink clover from my old garden
Make sure to check back often for more pictures.

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  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. Since you are new at this, may I give you a suggestion? Go to your blogger profile and check the box that says 'show email address'. It doesn't make your address public, it just attaches it to comments that other bloggers receive from you so they can send personal email replies. Also, your comment said 'Anonymous' ... put a name on it ... like this one will have once I hit the 'publish' button.

    One more thing ... get rid of the word verification on your comments. Blogger does a really great job of catching spam, and this new Captcha verification is a big fat pain and will discourage folks from leaving comments.

    It's great to make contact with another local rose lover.
